Many kratom users hunt for deals on kratom on vendor websites and in stores. It’s possible to find discounted kratom in bulk and on sale. There are a few reasons kratom may come at a cheaper price. No matter the circumstances, there are certain risks that come with trying to buy cheap kratom. Read our breakdown here on whether or not you should buy cheap kratom.

What is a cheap price for kratom?
You may be wondering what exactly represents a low price on kratom? First of all, we did a breakdown on general prices of kratom you can expect to find across the internet and in-store. Read that article here. We will provide a brief breakdown here.
Kratom from a respectable vendor will usually cost about $0.25-0.35 per gram.
When you start searching for and finding prices that go under $0.25 per gram, you are in the discount range.
If you are buying kratom in very large quantities, and you expect high quality, you can still manage to find good kratom around $0.25 per gram. However, if you aren’t buying in bulk, you shouldn’t expect high quality at that price.
Most good vendors online will charge in the range we listed above, and it can even be higher.
If you are shopping for kratom in a store, kratom prices are generally higher than online. The cause for kratom being more expensive in-store could be for a variety of reasons, but it’s typically because of the convenience.
Additionally, buying kratom in a store usually means you lose the brand name quality that vendors online provide. Kratom in stores is usually unbranded or branded with an unrecognizable name. So, if you’re looking to buy kratom, stick to buying it online in general.
We will explain below why buying cheap kratom online or in-store is usually a bad idea.
Where to find discount kratom

You may find cheap kratom in a variety of places. If you simply Google for cheap kratom, you can find a host of websites that claim to offer kratom at a discount to average.
It’s unusual to find cheap or discounted kratom on very popular, mainstream kratom vendor websites. This is usually because these vendors have a high standard and don’t need to sell cheap products in order to keep customers. Even though they deal with kratom in bulk quantities, they don’t sell it at a cheap rate.
Secondly, big vendors typically test their products and expect high quality from their kratom sources. This means that they must offer kratom at a normal-to-high price, because they have strict quality expectations for their customers.
Sometimes, you can find a large and respected online vendor with kratom on-sale, but this usually won’t last long.
So, this means in order to get low kratom prices, you will need to find an off-brand vendor or a vendor that always has marked-down products. These will usually not be the first few vendors you find when simply searching for kratom. You will have to search for a little bit, but cheap kratom prices are out there.
Issues with buying cheap kratom
Now, onto the problems that come with buying cheap kratom:
As we mentioned above, high quality, well-known vendors do not offer cheap kratom for one primary reason: Big vendors offer a high quality product that is lab-tested and their customers have high expectations of quality.
Cheap kratom can come with a host of problems. One issue is that it is unlikely to be lab-tested or produced in an environment with quality control. This means your kratom could come with random ingredients in it from the poor production quality. Often times this could be high heavy metal content, other plant matter, or things like mold.
Cheap kratom that is untested and low quality might come with fillers in it. Fillers will add weight to the kratom, and will make the kratom appear normal. This not only represents a risk with the quality, but it also means you aren’t really getting more kratom for your dollar, you are simply being shortchanged.
Kratom that is contaminated or has fillers in it will often be sold unbranded in stores, as we said above. Store-bought, off-brand kratom really represents a risk of all the factors above.
Secondly, cheap kratom may also simply be cheap because it is old and almost expired. Kratom does have a long shelf life, but the strength of kratom does not last forever. Kratom that sits on the shelf for a very long time will eventually lose potency and become weak.
We did a full breakdown on how kratom goes bad here.
Signs of low quality kratom

There are a few things to look out for when determining if the kratom you have or want to buy is low quality or not. The reasons we gave here are simply examples, but there are other reasons outside of what we explain here.
Online signs of low quality
As explained above, a vendor selling low quality kratom will often have a low-quality website and presentation. They may have a large number of fake product reviews, a website that doesn’t work well, or a bad checkout process.
If a kratom vendor selling cheap kratom also only accepts cryptocurrency as a payment, this is a sign of sketchy practices. Avoid vendors like this. Promising kratom vendors will offer a variety of payment methods such as credit, bank transfer, and maybe a bitcoin option.
Secondly, try to look up the vendor website on other websites such as kratom user forums. If you cannot find any information about the cheap kratom vendor on other websites, chances are they may sell a very low quality product.
If you stick to some of the top Google search results and shop with vendors that other individuals online have said positive things about, then you should be in good hands.
In-store signs of low quality
While we recommend almost never shopping in a store for kratom, if you must, there are a few things to look out for when browsing cheap or low quality kratom
Kratom in a store that is unbranded is a sign of low quality. This is probably old, untested, weak kratom that poses a risk you don’t want to take. Secondly, if the kratom has a brand but you have looked online for the brand but can’t find any information or website, this is also a bad sign. This means the kratom is essentially unbranded, but they put a logo on it to make it seem legitimate.
So, as a tip, try to Google the brand of kratom you want to buy in the store before making a purchase or consuming that product. Chances are, it’s not something you want to buy or put in your body.
The risks we explained above are highly prevalent in kratom you buy in-store. They will be untested, have contaminants in them, or even have fillers in them to add fake weight to the product.
Cheap kratom extracts

Lastly, we want to cover buying cheap kratom extracts both online and in-store.
The reasons that buying cheap kratom extract is bad are the same reasons that buying cheap kratom powder or crushed leaf is bad. Cheap extracts such as enhanced kratom or kratom shots will usually be especially weak in nature, or will come from a manufacturer with very little quality control.
There’s no telling what kinds of contaminants are present in low-quality, unverified kratom extracts, and they pose a massive risk.
If you choose to dabble in kratom extracts, we really recommend you choose a vendor online with a strong reputation. Kratom extracts require intensive chemical and mechanical processes that should only be performed by professionals. Cheap kratom extracts represent a product that is high risk to buy and consume.
These are often gimmicky as well, claiming health benefits that are untrue or dangerous to make. These kratom extracts may also have a flashy fake brand appearance to entice you in a store. Avoid these at all costs even when in-store or on a bad vendor website if they seem like a good idea for the price offered.
To sum it up, we recommend shopping from big-name kratom vendors online in order to source the best kratom. Attempting to get a deal on cheap kratom will lead to certain quality and contamination that make consumption dangerous. This is especially true when shopping in a store such as a convenience store, and more applicable when buying extracts.
Leave the kratom sourcing and quality testing to the experts and buy from brands that people already have reviewed and approved across the internet.
Be safe, and enjoy your kratom buying process. There’s something out there for you at the right price and safety level!