Kratom is always evolving and consumers choose what kratom strains and products they like the most. One particular strain that is very popular across many vendors is Bali Gold kratom. It’s also easy to find a lot of extracts and other kratom products that are come from Bali gold kratom.
Many people seek out Bali Gold kratom because there are claims it is much stronger than other types. This may or may not be true depending on how it is made. So, we recommend reading this breakdown and doing your own research before spending any money.
In this article, we break down what Bali gold kratom represents, where it comes from, and why it is popular. We also cover off some kratom extract recommendations to go for instead of Bali gold kratom.
What is Bali Kratom?

What a lot of kratom users don’t realize is that in the kratom type name, the words often refer to a location.
For example, any kratom that has the word ‘Bali’ in it represents a kratom that comes from the island of Bali in Indonesia. As another example, any kratom type that has the word ‘Malay’ in it means it comes from Malaysia.
As you will quickly realize, essentially all of the kratom you can find online will come from somewhere in Southeast Asia. This is because the kratom tree and plant grow very well in the Southeast Asian climate. This is largely because kratom trees grow well in hot, humid environments.
So, the basis of the name ‘Bali gold’ is that it’s kratom that comes from Bali. You can also find plenty of other kratom strains from Bali, such as Bali Green kratom, which is also very popular on many vendor websites.
Note, we wrote a full article here on the different types of kratom and what all the different components mean.
You can find all types of kratom products that comes from Bali, Indonesia. You can find red and green veins that come from Bali in abundance. It’s also possible to find kratom extract products that come from Bali kratom powder.
Why is Bali kratom popular?
Kratom that is grown and harvested from Bali has taken on a strong reputation as a very effective type of kratom. Perhaps it is the prime conditions of Bali that causes kratom to grow so well and develop all of the proper alkaloids. Regardless, Bali kratom has emerged as a fan-favorite.
Many would say that they find Bali kratom to be smooth and strong as a strain. This is due to the even, balanced mix of alkaloids that Bali kratom has.
We believe Bali Gold is a very catchy name, and it sounds like a premium version of kratom. This is most likely why it sells so well and why people become so interested in it. In reality, it does not have any serious definition and is very likely just a mixture of strong kratom powders. If you find a vendor and try their Bali gold and you like it, then more power to you!
So, what is Bali Gold kratom?
Even though you will find different definitions of what Bali gold kratom is, there are a few of conclusions on what Bali Gold is.
Some definitions will say that Bali gold kratom is red or yellow kratom that is dried in a special way. This special technique will retain the alkaloids in the kratom at a certain balance, producing a highly effective and special mixture.
As almost all kratom must be dried as a part of the harvesting process, by changing the way it is done, manufacturers can enhance the kratom.
The second consensus on Bali gold kratom is that it is a simple mixture of a few different types of kratom from Bali. Perhaps it is a mix of yellow and red kratom, alluding to the name ‘gold’.
Lastly, many believe that gold Bali kratom is simply a gimmick, and does not have any special properties about it. It may simply be a regular, common kratom strain that is strong and effective.
The important thing to keep in mind is that every vendor will probably have a different idea and definition of what Bali gold kratom is. We recommend doing your own research and opting for a vendor that you already trust before spending money on any Bali gold kratom.
Where can I buy Bali kratom?
Even after that explanation, if you still have an interest in trying Bali Gold kratom for yourself, there are a few ways.
We recommend simply searching for Bali Gold on and looking for a vendor with a positive reputation. Chances are, you will see their own explanation for what Bali Gold kratom is on their listing page. Check out the customer reviews, also.
Don’t scroll too far on Google and attempt to buy Bali Gold from a very low-quality vendor. This will increase your risk of spending money on a poor quality kratom product and simply being scammed. This applies to all kratom purchases, even if you are buying any type of strain online.
We also recommend trying to buy other Bali strains, such as Red Vein Bali kratom. These are more well-known types of kratom that don’t have any sort of gimmick behind them, and they can also be very effective.
Secondly, if you still really want to find a kratom product that will be stronger than most kratom powder, give kratom extracts a try.
Alternatives and other recommendations
Now, you may find these conclusions on Bali kratom disappointing, because there is no source of truth. We recommend seeking out some other popular strains or special kratom types to satisfy your interest.
You may find Bali Gold in many types of kratom extracts also. But, the story from above still applies: Bali gold is a kratom strain with mostly unknown origins, which will apply to any extracts also.
If you’re looking for a special type of kratom strain that will be more effective than other normal strains, there are options.
One of our favorite types of kratom that always packs a punch is ‘Ultra Enhanced Indo’, also known as ‘UEI’.
‘Ultra Enhanced Indo’ can come in a powder form, which we recommend. It also can come in a capsule or gel cap form. Either way, these are a great option and are much more reliable than trying to find a true ‘Bali Gold’ kratom.
Using our explanation above on how to identify kratom, you can tell that this kratom comes from Indonesia. This type of enhanced kratom has kratom extract added to it, to make it stronger. While this is different to normal kratom, it is that stronger, special kratom you may be looking for like Bali Gold kratom.
You can find ‘Ultra Enhanced Indo’ kratom across many vendor websites and even in stores. It is very popular and well-known as a strong, effective strain of enhanced kratom.
Furthermore, you can always buy any type of kratom extract in order to achieve the same goal of Bali Gold. Enhanced kratom or other kratom extracts pack a punch that regular kratom does not usually have.
In order to wrap this article up, we want to recap with some suggestions.
It’s the most likely case that ‘Bali Gold’ kratom has no true definition. It is probably a kratom that sells well because of it’s name. It does not represent a type of real kratom, much like many other types.
For this reason, if you’re looking to get a special type of kratom that will have a stronger effect than normal kratom powder, we recommend extracts. Kratom extracts are highly effective and still quite affordable in the world of kratom. They pack the strength and alkaloids that you seek when looking for a strong type of kratom.
This way, you aren’t buying into any gimmick and you can be sure of what you’re getting when you buy it.