Finding free kratom can be a great introduction for people who are interested in kratom but don’t want to start off with an investment. It can be hard to find online, but there are a few ways to get it.
In this article, we’ll be outlining ways to get free or discounted kratom.

Free Kratom from Happy Hippo Kratom
Happy Hippo offers a free kratom program for new users. If you navigate to their website and browse around for a little bit, you will eventually get a popup that says you can get free kratom by signing up for their email and SMS list.
This is a great way to get a small amount of free kratom from a popular vendor. All you need to do is enter some information such as name, email, and phone number. Once you do this, you should be able to claim your free kratom sample.
You will get emails and text messages as a part of signing up, but you can easily opt-out of these afterward if you don’t want to be on the list.
Visit the Happy Hippo website here. (Again, we are not affiliated with this vendor)
If you don’t get the optional popup that offers free kratom, then navigate around the website and look for the offer on another page. Also, you can try emailing their support team about their free kratom offer and what you can do to get it.
(Note: We are NOT affiliated with Happy Hippo in any way and we do not benefit from this promotion)

Happy Hippo a popular and fast-growing kratom vendor that sells a wide variety of kratom products. They are one of the first vendors in the search results when you search various terms for kratom.
They also organize their products on their website very well, making it easy for users to choose the kratom experience they want by choosing between fast and slow kratom types.
We recommend this because it’s an easy and low-risk way to get your hands on some free kratom.
Bundles and discounts for free kratom
Many vendors across the internet will frequently run promotions on their website that offer free or discount kratom.
Try browsing around the internet and look at many different vendor websites. If you are lucky, you might find another website like Happy Hippo that offers a free kratom program to entice new users.
You can also easily find a vendor that is running promotions for specific products they are selling at a discount. You can sometimes find kratom extracts or new kratom blends that are heavily on sale.
It’s also possible that the vendor is offering a bundle or bulk deal. This would mean if you buy a few different products at once, they will give you another sample of a product for free. This can be a great way to try a few different types of kratom or kratom extracts from a vendor for cheap.
You can also try sending an email to a kratom vendor info address and ask if they are offering free kratom. If they are generous, they may offer to send you free kratom at no cost. Or, they may suggest you check out a few offers or deals that let you get free kratom along with a different purchase.
You can also get some good discounts on kratom by buying in bulk. Not all vendors offer deep discounts for buying a lot of kratom at once, but if you browse around enough you may be able to find it.
We suggest being careful when trying to buy very cheap kratom. Often times, discounting kratom heavily means it is either old, expired kratom or it’s low quality kratom.
We did a full breakdown on kratom prices here.
Rewards programs with kratom vendors
A second way to get free kratom is by earning points with an existing kratom vendor by using an account to shop with.
Many vendors offer you to log in to an account on their website, and they will track your purchases. Every purchase you make will earn you points on their website. As you make frequent purchases, your rewards points will stack up and you can eventually spend the points on some free kratom.
Yes, you will need to spend some money up front, but this can be a great way to get rewards for spending money on the same vendor repeatedly.
Kraken Kratom is a vendor that has a solid points rewards program that generously awards repeat customers.
You can visit the Kraken website here.
If you have any friends or associates that use kratom, you can ask them if they have an account with a vendor that they purchase a lot of kratom from. If they log into their account, they may have enough points to get free kratom from that vendor.
Sponsorships from kratom vendors

If you have a social media page with many followers, you can earn money or free kratom from kratom vendors if you sign up to promote their products.
Many kratom vendors do offer influencer deals, etc. where you will post about their products or website and they will reward you for sending kratom users their way.
This is a great way to get products for free while also sharing a good vendor with your followers.
We recommend reaching out to a few vendors and asking if they will offer free kratom in exchange for promotion of their website. You can easily find some vendors that are happy to oblige this request and will send you free products.
Visit your local kratom store or cafe
Another great way to try kratom for free is to go to a kratom cafe or store that sells kratom near you. If they do a lot of business with kratom, you can try to ask them if they will let you sample a product.
In exchange for letting you try their products for free, you can offer to tell your friends to come to their business. Chances are, they may be OK with this exchange. It’s important to be polite when you ask for this, because any business can simply tell you no.
This is best done at a kratom cafe. Kratom cafes are popular in certain parts of the United States. These are usually high volume businesses, so it’s likely they won’t mind offering you a free serving if you promise to come back or refer friends.
This is worth a try if you are very interested in trying kratom but don’t want to spend any money. Some business owners may be kind enough to let you sample something for free.
You may not have any stores that sell kratom or any kratom cafes around you. Don’t let this discourage you, we recommend trying the above ideas for online vendors in order to secure your free kratom.
There are a few ways to get free kratom online or from a store. You may need to try your luck and roll the dice, but it is possible to get. The easiest way is to use Happy Hippo as recommended above or simply try browsing other vendors that offer free kratom.
If you get lucky, you can find a great deal on some kratom from a popular vendor that will let you get some products for free or at a deep discount.
As always, make sure to browse and shop for kratom from respectable vendors with good reputation. You don’t want to spend your money on kratom products that are expired or weak in strength.