Crushed leaf kratom is a common products on kratom vendor websites, but it doesn’t get as much coverage as kratom powder or kratom extracts. It’s a more raw form of the kratom leaf, and contains mixed leaves of different sizes from the kratom plant. It may also contain small stems, etc.
Kratom powder comes from kratom leaves, so this inherently makes crushed leaf kratom is a less modified version of kratom. This also helps the price! Crushed leaf kratom is a bit cheaper than kratom powder.
We cover a few topics related to crushed leaf kratom in this post.
What is crushed leaf kratom?
Crushed leaf kratom is the pulverized leaves and stems of the mitragyna speciosa tree, also known as mitragyna speciosa. It represents a coarse grind version of kratom leaves. It is available across many online kratom vendor websites and is a popular product. Kratom is generally imported to the United States in the bulk crushed leaf form. Then, powders are created from the crushed leaf.
Crushed leaf kratom contains just as much concentration of the active alkaloids in kratom as the powder version. The active alkaloids in kratom are 2 primary chemicals. These are called mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These are the alkaloids that provide the effects of kratom.
It’s more common for new users or even users with experience to prefer kratom powder over crushed leaf kratom. This is because kratom powder can be consumed directly, while leaves must be made into another form to consume it.

Some people may have the opinion that raw kratom leaves actually contain more active alkaloids than kratom powder. Crushed leaf is a less processed product than kratom powder, and it’s in a more raw form. Because there is less processing done to it, some people believe crushed leaf is stronger.
Crushed leaf is not quite as popular as powder kratom, because it’s not as convenient to consume or prepare. There are a few ways to make crushed leaf kratom into something else, which we will cover below.
Different types of crushed leaf kratom
This product comes in all the different types that kratom powder comes in. You can find popular types of kratom leaf such as Red Borneo, or Bali types of kratom.
Remember, the different types of kratom represent the age of the kratom plant at harvest as well as the location the kratom comes from. For example, Red Bali kratom means the kratom plant was harvested at full maturity, and comes from the Bali region of Southeast Asia.
We have a complete breakdown on all the different types of kratom here.
So, if you are a kratom user and already enjoy a strain of kratom, chances are you can find the leaf form just as easy! Browse around and you will find a wide variety on many vendor websites.
How to use crushed leaf kratom
Crushed leaf kratom can’t be consumed in the same way as kratom powder, where users simply can ingest the powder directly from the vendor. This is because of the less dense content of kratom leaves, which contains larger leaves and small stems sometimes.
You must turn crushed leaf kratom into another form at home to be able to ingest it. If you have the equipment, you can turn crushed leaf kratom into kratom powder. This could be done using a food processor or a coffee grinder, but even this may not work well.
Once again, don’t try to consume kratom leaves in the same way that you consume kratom powder. The ‘toss and wash’ method does not work for crushed leaf kratom, and this is a dangerous route to try to consume it. You will risk choking or an otherwise very uncomfortable experience!
Making kratom tea from kratom leaf
We recommend turning crushed leaf kratom into kratom tea. This is the easiest and simplest way to turn crushed leaf kratom into an easily-consumable form. Plus, making kratom tea is easy and fun!
We have a whole article on the strongest kratom tea recipe here.
The best part about kratom tea is that you can customize it to your liking. By adjusting the amount of kratom you put in your tea, you can either make it strong or weak according to your preferences. Secondly, you can also make kratom tea in large batches so you can consume it multiple times without having to remake it.
Another great aspect of using crushed leaf kratom to make tea is that you can add your own flavors. Typically, kratom has a very bitter, tea-like taste. A lot of people can’t withstand this harsh taste, so with kratom tea you can mask this with different ingredients.
We recommend adding ingredients like lemon, sugar, or honey to your kratom tea to help balance out the harsh flavor of raw kratom tea. Making a tasty kratom tea on a warm day can be a very refreshing pick-me-up.
Prices of crushed kratom

Another common question is how much does crushed leaf kratom cost? Crushed leaf kratom costs about $0.25-0.35 per gram from most popular vendors.
Kratom leaf is usually sold by the ounce. This means that you can buy 28 grams of crushed leaf kratom for about $8. Or, you can buy larger quantities such as 4 ounces and up. There is some discount when you buy a lot of kratom at once. The discount for buying bulk kratom on most vendors is not usually very high.
Depending on where you like to shop for kratom, you might be able to find cheaper prices for kratom leaves than kratom powder. Because kratom powder has more manufacturing processes associated with it than crushed leaf kratom, it’s usually a bit cheaper.
Crushed leaf kratom can be about 5-10% cheaper than kratom powder! So, if you’re a big fan of making kratom tea, then we recommend taking advantage of this discount and buying kratom leaves instead of powder kratom.
Crushed leaf kratom is significantly cheaper than other kratom products such as kratom extracts. This is for the same reason as above, kratom extract products require intensive manufacturing processes, so they are more expensive.
This makes pure kratom leaves essentially the cheapest type of kratom that you can buy online!
Where can I buy crushed leaf kratom?
You can find this product on almost all vendor websites. Because it’s a required form of kratom to make kratom powder, almost all vendors will have this available alongside kratom powder.
If you want to buy this type, then we recommend browsing around Google to find popular kratom vendors that have a high reputation. Once you’ve found a good vendor, find crushed leaf kratom on their website that has good user reviews. Then, this should be a good product to buy.
It can take time to find a quality vendor that you want to buy your kratom products from, so browse around and make sure you’re confident before spending your money on a kratom product.
It’s also possible to buy crushed leaf kratom in a physical store locations. Many stores such as convenience stores and head shops will sell kratom products, and they may commonly offer kratom leaf also.
We don’t recommend buying crushed leaf kratom from a store, unless you are comfortable with brands and types of kratom that the store offers. Often times, buying any type of kratom product from a store instead of online is very expensive and the quality can be questionable.
Once you get your crushed leaf kratom, we recommend creating tea as we suggested in this article. Again, making kratom tea is the best way to use crushed leaf kratom and it’s also the safest.
Other kratom products online

There are plenty of other kratom products out there to explore beyond the base forms of leaves and powder. Many vendors nowadays will sell kratom extracts, and they are becoming more popular as time goes on.
One popular type of kratom product is enhanced kratom. Enhanced kratom is kratom powder that is combined with kratom extract, usually in the form of pure mitragynine. These products are usually more expensive per volume than crushed leaf kratom or kratom powder.
We do recommend trying out some other kratom products if have an interest in them. While crushed leaf is one of the cheapest and most accessible forms of kratom, extracts provide a great convenience to users!
Overall, crushed leaf kratom is one of the cheapest forms of kratom you can get! It represents the form of kratom that is the most raw. It has almost no manufacturing processes to create it, so you can feel better about using this form.
Secondly, crushed leaf kratom is a great type of kratom to make tea out of. Making tea can be enjoyable and a convenient way to enjoy kratom.
Lastly, always buy crushed leaf kratom from vendors you know and already enjoy. If you’re new, take some time to browse online to find the best kratom vendor for you. Many kratom vendors have user reviews to help verify their products. Use these to your advantage and find the most popular type of crushed leaf kratom!