Kratom is a substance with many different purposes for all users. Often times, it’s a pain reliever or a relaxing substance for most users. Kratom is also a stimulating substance, and many users enjoy it for this purpose. Read our blog post below on the best kratom strain for energy.
It’s even documented on Wikipedia that kratom can be both a sedative and stimulant:
Using kratom for the stimulating effects requires getting a few factors right such as kratom strain and kratom dosage. But, depending on your body and your reactions to kratom, you may find kratom to be a stimulating substance when done correctly. Be sure to evaluate all different dosages and types of kratom before deciding what’s best for you.

Is Kratom Good for Energy?
As said above, kratom’s stimulating effects truly depend on the user. Some people will find that kratom is never a stimulating experience, but rather a sedating feeling. Others can hone-in on the stimulating effects.
Kratom is definitely a stimulant under many definitions. It may not have the effect that coffee or energy drinks have, but it still can provide energy to users. This is very dependent on the individual and the route of consumption, such as kratom tea versus kratom powder.
One of kratom’s original uses is for energy and pain-relief during a hard workday. In countries like Indonesia, kratom grows naturally and has been consumed for hundreds of years. Laborers in Indonesia will chew kratom leaves throughout the workday or at the end of the workday to help them work longer hours or relieve soreness.
This history provides a strong backing for the use-cases of kratom as an energy source. The significance is that these Indonesians consume kratom differently than most: They chew raw kratom leaves for a small effect. Typically, in larger markets across the world, kratom is bought and consumed in powder form. This means that the range of effects can be different, as the style of ingestion and size of dose is very different.
Best Strain of Kratom for Energy: White Vein

It’s widely-known that the best strain of kratom for energy is white vein kratom. White vein kratom powder comes from the leaves of a young kratom plant. The young kratom plant has a different mix of alkaloids that the mature plant. In some fashion, the mix of alkaloids in white vein plants makes for a strong energy-boosting combination.
Many people share the experience that white vein kratom is best for energy, so try it out if you’re looking to get a boost out of kratom.
Secondly, green vein kratom can also be used with the focus of stimulation. Green vein kratom represents kratom harvested around the middle of the lifecycle of the leaves. At this middle point, green vein kratom has a wide-ranging mix of active alkaloids. Because green vein still has some alkaloid mixture from the early stages, it can work for some people as a stimulating strain.
It’s a good idea to try both white and green vein kratoms when experimenting with energetic effects. You will eventually find what works best for you, and you may be surprised.
The type of strain we least recommend for energy is red vein kratom. Red vein kratom comes from the most mature point of the kratom plant lifecycle. This mix of alkaloids is well-known for being the most sedating and sleepy. For these reasons, stick to white and green kratom for energy purposes.
As mentioned above, everyone experiences kratom differently. While the white vein is the known to be the most energy-producing, you may not experience this effect. If you don’t get the stimulation effect from white vein, it’s worth it to try other strains or play around with the dose as we will explain below.
P.S. We did a full review of all the different types of kratom and their effects here.
Best Kratom Dose for Energy
As we recommended above, try a white vein strain of kratom when searching for that energetic boost. What’s also very important when it comes to using kratom as a stimulant is the dosage. Dosage of kratom can greatly impact the effects on the user, especially in sedation vs. stimulation.
In general, for energy, use a small amount of kratom. We recommend a dose between 1.0-2.5 grams of kratom when taking it as a stimulant. When you try higher doses, the relaxing, sedating effects of kratom can take over and end up making you sleepier than you started. This is a very important component of kratom that you will need to experiment with.
Taking kratom in higher doses almost always results in a more sleepy dose. This will impact people differently, but this is a well-known effect of taking a large dose. High amounts of the alkaloids in kratom will generally produce the sleepy, sedative effect. When you stay on the lower side in the recommended dose of about 1.0-2.5 grams, the lower amount of alkaloids will keep you in the stimulation range.
Start small and focus on a low-risk environment when experimenting with kratom, especially when seeking specific effects like energy and stimulation. Try this stimulating dose when you’re at home so that you can get the dose right and don’t overdo it in an environment where you can’t risk the possible sedating effects of a larger dose.
To wrap things up, we highly recommend to use a 1.0-2.5 gram dose of white vein kratom when looking to use kratom as a stimulant. This combination is known as being the most effective toward giving you that much needed energy boost. Start small on the lower end of the range and see how you feel. Remember – there’s no rush when it comes to experimenting with kratom.
If you attempt to take a dose larger than 2.5 or 3.0 grams, you will run the risk of kratom entering the sedative range and you will become over-stimulated, to the point where it’s not working as intended. More is not always better with kratom, especially when it comes to using kratom as a stimulant.
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